Coping with Bad Runs in Sports Betting

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Anyone who bets on sports with any level of regularity will experience a bad run from time to time according to Xgtiger Casino. Even the most experienced bettors in the world encounter times when nothing goes as expected, and picking a winner seems impossible. What sets the best bettors apart from the rest is that they know how to deal with it. I’ve had a bit of a losing streak in all my sports betting years. Some were little more than blips, and I quickly got the hang of them. Some of them were harmless, including one that happened not long after I started taking betting seriously. I couldn’t handle that one at all, and it cost me my entire bankroll. I almost quit betting then and there, and although I’m glad I didn’t, there was a strong case for doing so. The bets I make are fundamentally sound, but I just break some of the golden rules of sports betting. There is a saying that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I’m not usually one for quoting proverbs, but this makes sense. I learned a lot from losing that money, which made me determined not to do it again. So far, I haven’t, and I’ve gotten better at my bad runs now. There are no hard and fast rules for dealing with losing streaks, and what works for some people may not work for others. I do have a few pieces of general advice, however, that should help you prepare for and handle the bad runs you will inevitably face at some point in your betting career.

Accept that Losing Streaks Will Happen

The first step in preparing for losing streaks is accepting that they will happen to you. If you think they won’t, you’ll be in for a surprise at some point. You have a better chance of dealing with bad things well if they don’t come as a surprise, so please don’t kid yourself that you can avoid them.

Define a Bad Run

What constitutes an extraordinary run of losses for one bettor may be nothing but the usual variance for another. Therefore, an important part of preparing for a bad run is determining what a bad run really is.

If you bet mostly on outsiders with high odds, for example, you won’t worry if you lose five or six bets in a row. If you’re betting on really short-priced favorites, however, a few losing streaks can be considered a bad run.

Ultimately, it comes down to determining when acceptable losses become a bad run. As a general rule, if they’re starting to have a noticeable impact on your bankroll, it’s time to take some action.

Keep Accurate Betting Records

If you are remotely serious about your sports betting, keeping accurate records is really important. This will help you in many aspects of your betting and is especially useful when it comes to dealing with losers.

One of the first things you should do when experiencing a bad streak is to analyze your past bets. This analysis helps you determine what the problem is, or if there is a problem, and it’s impossible to do if you don’t keep decent records.

When it comes to actually doing the analysis, you need to keep an open mind. Please don’t assume you are doing something wrong, because you may be doing the right thing and you are having bad luck. However, you should not automatically blame bad luck. You may be applying a strategy that isn’t working or making bad decisions.

Find the Problem

Getting to the bottom of why you’re losing is the hardest part of dealing with bad runs in sports betting. If you recently changed your selection criteria and suddenly start losing most of your bets, then it should be clear that your new strategy is not working. But only a few problems will be that easy to spot.

I’ll give you an example of a bad run I once had years ago. I had a really good season betting in the English Premier League (soccer); but in the last matches, I pick fewer winners. I’ll do some right, but I need more consistency throughout the season.

It was only for a relatively short time, and it certainly wasn’t a disastrous run, but I was convinced that there was an issue I was missing. I’m still a bit of a bet and I can’t figure out the problem. It’s not like there have been a load of big upsets, and I haven’t changed my selection criteria at all. I asked other people to find me, and they found out what was going on.

My success that season came largely from picking winners in matches where the opposition teams were closely matched. My hit rate wasn’t amazing, but it was over 50%, and I almost won at pretty good odds.

At the end of the season, when I started losing more bets than winning, there were several teams that could not play in the league. They are safe from relegation but not threatening the top positions. Some of them were drawing or losing matches they had won earlier in the season, and it cost me. I never considered the possibility that these teams might not be as strong as I expected.

The sample size is small, and I can never be 100% sure that some teams are not putting in their maximum effort. However, this example shows that even factors that may seem insignificant can have a noticeable effect on your betting.

You have to be prepared to analyze the smallest details if you want to know what could be causing your bad run. It may take a lot of time, but it is time well spent.

I can’t offer any further advice in this respect unfortunately. The number of factors that can cause a losing streak is almost limitless, and the only way to find out what’s behind any particular streak is to keep digging until you discover the problem.

Stay in Control and Consider Your Options

The single most important thing you need to do when dealing with a bad run is to maintain your online casino betting discipline. It’s very easy to let frustration overtake you as you start chasing your losses, but this will likely only make the situation worse.

If you’re struggling to find the cause of your losing streak, you need to stay calm and stay in control. The only chance you have to change things is if you make rational decisions and consider your options.

Your first option is to continue betting the way you always have in the hope that things turn around. If you really think you are doing the right things and you are experiencing bad luck, this is a perfect choice. It’s a good idea to lower your stakes, however, and slow your rate of loss, and you should set a point where you’ll accept things of no return.

If things come back around, that’s great. You’ve overcome a bad run and, hopefully, prevented too much damage to your bankroll. If things don’t return for whatever reason, it’s time to think again.

At this point, there are a few things you can try. You can bet on a different sport or use a different strategy. You shouldn’t get too discouraged just because one strategy doesn’t work well, because there is more than one way to make money from sports betting. It’s always worth trying a new strategy if you still have confidence in your betting skills.

Another option is to rest. This will give you time to think about what you may have done wrong and think about what you can do in the future to improve your chances of success. A long time without betting can give you a completely new perspective on things, and you can come back with new ideas that will work well for you.

The final option is to quit altogether. Sports betting is only for some, and if you’ve tried your best but haven’t made it, there’s no shame in giving it up. It makes more sense than throwing good money after bad and causing yourself more frustration.


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The Gambler’s Fallacy is the false belief that two unrelated events impact each other in some way. Like when football fans believe that if their favourite football team has won five matches in a row, they’re less likely to win the next one because they’re “due” a loss. In reality, each match is a fresh start.

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